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5 visionary partners 5 Mexican states. 1 irresistible idea.

v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器

小火箭共享 Shop Now

v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器

Behind The Name

What if you could capture all the terroir-driven magic typically associated with wine, combine it with centuries of history, and funnel it all into a small batch, ultra-luxury tequila that epitomizes blending and balance?

We’ve done it, and the results are just as spectacular as you might expect.

Each sip is a nod to quality. The quintessential delicate balance of Burgundy. The sultry, full-bodied decadence of Napa Valley Cabernet. Penta resonates with that same desire for refinement and balance combined with endless regard for tequila’s history, respect for local technique, and a strong desire to elevate the classic taste of agave to delicious new heights.

Read The Full Story

v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器

Of Mastered Flavor

Tradition meets innovation with Penta, the first tequila produced using 100% blue agave sourced from all five of Mexico’s legally protected designation of origin states. It all starts with agave grown to ultimate ripeness bringing out its sweet caramel notes. Into the slow cooker it goes, where the intoxicating brew concentrates even further before being transferred into custom built French, American and Hungarian barrels to age.

It’s a spirit worth waiting for – which is why you need to get on our list if you want to be among the elite few lucky enough to land a taste.

Why penta

is not typical tequila


Grown to peak ripeness, cooked slowly, aged carefully, and bottled with care. Our tequila is made in small batches and with the utmost respect to accent the authentic herb and floral notes of agave.

Organic Ingredients

Penta Tequila starts with 100% blue agave nurtured without the dulling impact of pesticides or foreign fertilizers and fermented with a combination of French Champagne and Tequila yeasts. It’s a pure expression of a popular spirit like you’ve never tasted before.


Why take the time to scour the finest fields in the five DOO-approved tequila-growing states if you’re just going to fool with the flavor? At Penta, we use time-honored processing techniques to produce a small-batch tequila that’s so exclusive you have to sign up to savor it.

v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器

Diamante & more


Explore All Our Products

v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器

of master distillery

We’re not as big as the producers gobbling up retail space in your supermarket, not as flashy as the bottles that are more about packaging than the contents, and not as familiar as what you already have stocked in your liquor cabinet… and trust us, being different is absolutely delicious.

Soil, climate, agave, passion, heritage, local flavor, global appeal. Penta is a love for the land and the making of a legacy. We can’t wait for you to try it.

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